A traveling cafe talk show.
Empowering humans to connect on purpose on and off screen, Re-human offers ways to foster an integrated relational life.
Public pop-ups involving free flowers to name and give a beautiful place to our specific experiences of loneliness.
Public pop-ups that allow strangers to hold hands without seeing each other.
Interactive public resource to shrink your city into manageable bits so connecting isn't so overwhelming.
Public pop-up for people to hang their friendship hopes, needs + funniest moments.
Transforming the most socially awkward space on earth--an elevator--into a friendship-maker.
A 4-part design thinking cycle to launch embodied micro-experiments in connection + belonging.
A cohort-model that fosters purpose and belonging.
Reflective group experience for transition points like college graduation or retirement.
An immersive exploration of belonging, adapted to any conference space. 18-stations, hands-on.
Two-way TED Talks, these simple gatherings facilitate deep, intergenerational community, co-learning, and joint action.
A simple way to spark connection while eating.
Walking groups practice mindfulness while exploring a shared space.
A 1-hour Workshop with 12 stations to explore listening to self, others, + our world.
Outdoor Arts + Music Market bringing together local artists and businesses to cultivate community in the city.
Weekly co-working collaborative of writers across genre and career level.
A simple small-group experience
sharing our life stories uninterrupted.
Monthly empowerment group for women who lead relationally.
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